Dear Sir,
The new leading group, recently voted in, took a backward step at the GATC Full Council meeting last week.
Forgetting their promise to engage with members of our community, they have closed the easily accessible Reception door to every member of the public who wishes to attend any GATC meeting.
Two years ago, when a member of the public was found wandering round the Council offices, it became clear that we needed to improve security, and a Standing Order was introduced that members of the public should not use the Reception door, but should use the public door at the rear (road side) of the building.
Parking and disability parking, however, is an awkward walk away and I, for example, would be unable to walk from my parked car right around to the permitted public entrance. In 2019, therefore, I proposed a motion, seconded by Cllr Fleming, that gave Council officers and councillors discretion to invite people through the Reception door if necessary. This motion was opposed by the opposition, but passed by the then Labour majority.
Last week, however, my motion was rescinded by the new ruling group, to be replaced by a rule which enforces that every member of the public MUST use the outer door at the front of the building, and allows only councillors and members of staff to use the Reception entrance.
By the new rule, visiting speakers to the Council, guests of the Mayor, members of the public coming to present cheques or invited to receive prizes – everybody but councillors and officers – will have to walk round the building and use the public entrance. For older and disabled people, this may effectively deny them access.
One councillor tried to assure members that the Town Clerk would be able to overrule in such special circumstances. Yet, even when the Town Clerk informed him that the new ruling removed the Town Clerk’s discretion to do so, he still voted for the recission. In fact all the Independents and Lib Dems, on a block vote, voted for the recission, including Cllr Fleming (who had seconded my motion in 2019).
I question and challenge the overruling of my original motion on the grounds of disability, age etc.
These councillors are taking a backward step, showing no care or concern or even common politeness towards others – as Cllr Jed Hillary stated at the meeting, GATC has passed a motion which positively discriminates against disabled people
This ruling group has proved itself to be petty, revengeful, totally uncaring, and dismissive of anyone who would have difficulty in using the alternative entry.
Cllr Barbara A Clare
Background Step at GATC