There has certainly been a buzz in the air at Sugar Hill Primary over the last couple of weeks. Since the Covid19 outbreak our school risk assessments have meant that parents and carers were unable to attend school events. Things were just not the same and the children really missed sharing their learning with their families.
We are delighted that our new risk assessment this term has allowed us once again to invite parents and carers into classrooms working with their children, albeit behind face masks!
Lots of parents and carers have attended ‘Welcome Meetings’ in school, and we have had some fabulous feedback from them in terms of just how much they have appreciated meeting with staff and seeing ‘our school in action’ once again. This has reminded us of Walt Disney’s famous words. ‘Around here we don’t look backwards for very long… We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we’re curious…. and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths’.
A huge thank you to all our parents and carers who have attended the events. The children have just loved sharing their classrooms with you and for all staff at Sugar Hill it has been a huge forward step in what is becoming our ‘new normal’.
Mrs O’Rourke (Head Teacher) and Mrs Legge (Deputy Head Teacher) are truly hoping that this year parents and carers can attend lots of events throughout the academic year linked to project outcomes in Sugar Hill’s new exciting curriculum. The welcome meetings have been such a positive start to the calendar of planned parent/carer events.
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