Hundreds of guests accepted the invitation to St. Clare’s Court Open Day on Saturday 29th October. Located on Central Avenue the 58-bedroom Helen McArdle Care Home is truly high class. The home provides residential, dementia and respite care, and has been designed to offer a unique living space, purpose-built to ensure residents have a high quality of life and that they receive the very best care. Facilities include: en-suite bedrooms with shower and some with doors out into the garden, a hair and beauty salon, a community room and beautiful landscaped gardens. Andrea Blades, Manager, said: “We are all thrilled with the response from the community and it was lovely to meet so many new neighbours. We are really looking forward to welcoming residents to their new home next week.” “St. Clare’s Court is located in the centre town and we want it to be the heart of the community; we have lots of events planned including monthly coffee mornings and a Christmas Fair – everyone is welcome.” Helen McArdle Care provides residential, dementia, nursing, respite and home care throughout the North East of England. In August this year Helen McArdle Care was the first in the UK to achieve four outstanding CQC inspections. The national average is one in 200 and Helen McArdle Care has four out of 17. and will be opening two new care homes in the next six months in Jesmond and Peterlee. Company founder and chairman, Helen McArdle, was awarded a CBE in 2015 for services to the care industry and the local community.