19 year old Abi Barnett from Newton Aycliffe is half-way through her work as a Paralympic Games Maker after giving up the chance to holiday with friends between her University course.
Abi travelled to London earlier in the year for training with the Olympic and Paralympic crews and is busy working at the Olympics as a volunteer. It is anything from taking family group photos, helping lost spectators, sorting wheelchairs or ensuring safety on station platforms.
She “works” an 11 hour shift for free as a Games Maker, getting back to her air bed on the floor in a borrowed flat in London at 1am after making sure the stadium is empty.
Abi is a Girl Guide leader in Newton Aycliffe, and York where she is studying Psychology. She is a wonderful ambassador for Guiding and young people in general.
She had a day off on Monday this week – and took the opportunity to watch the sitting volleyball. As a Games Maker she’s not allowed into the stadiums to watch and must stay outside helping people in all weathers.
Watch out for her on Monday 10th as she has been selected to line the athletes parade in the Mall as one of 9000 selected Games Makers – well done Abi, Girl Guiding, Mum, Dad, and little sister and all Newtonians are proud of you.