Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association has been requested to help Aycliffe Village form their own Association to take advantage of external funding and to bring the community together.
Other R.A.’s in Newton Aycliffe have prospered as a result of getting together enjoying social events, outings and community activities. It is vitally important the group is self managed and the organisation does need Officers and a Management Committee.
GARA is calling a Public Meeting of residents on Tuesday 3rd July in the Village Hall at 6.30pm to gauge interest, so it is important there is a good turnout to ensure the project goes forward.
It is even more important that leaders in the community take the responsibility of running the Association and be elected as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary along with a management committee.
Residents will feel the value of an association as it gives power to the people who may have to come together to fight for necessary action to be taken by the Authorities.
Ken Robson Vice Chairman of GARA will chair the Public Meeting. Ken is Chairman of the very successful ACORN Residents’ Association and has lots of experience along with Secretary of GARA Arun Chandran. Other R.A.’s will attend to answer any queries.
Aycliffe Villagers Will Benefit from Forming a Residents’ Association