We’ve had another interesting and varied programme of events this month. Mike Thornton gave a fascinating and in depth talk about the work and life of Norman Cornish, who was his father-in-law. Some members attended the Annual Council Meeting of Durham County WI’s and were entertained by the Weardale Warblers and there was a talk by Joy Allen, the Police & Crime Commissioner for Durham and Darlington.
Last Saturday we had our annual trip to the Ripon to the Spring Home, Food and Garden Show, which was held in the Cathedral.
We held our monthly book club meeting to discuss our latest read and, on Thursday, we enjoyed a walk to Shildon Locomotion to keep fit and eat cake.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 24th April in the Village Hall at 7pm. The speaker is David Hastings on the subject of the RNLI and its 200th Anniversary.
Please feel free to join us at the meeting, if you’re interested in joining our WI, or if you would like to join us at Planet Leisure on Thursday 2nd May at 1.30pm for bowling.
For all details, contact Anne Brown via email: aycliffevillageWI@durhamwi.co.uk
Aycliffe Village WI