BREAKFAST CLUB: Come along with your friends to the next breakfast club on Saturday, November 8th, at Aycliffe Village Hall, from 9am-noon. There will be bacon, egg or sausage buns on offer, as well as cups of tea or coffee. Plus, there will be activities for children and a book stall. All proceeds go to the village hall. And this will also be a chance to buy a ticket for Santa’s Grotto which will be in place at the December breakfast club. Tickets cost just £5 per child for the chance to meet Santa and receive a present.
COMMITTEE MEETING: The next committee meeting of Great Aycliffe Village Hall Association is on Monday, November 10th, at 8pm in the village hall. All are welcome.
BABY SENSORY CLASSES: For parents and carers with babies up to 13 months, there is a sensory class at the village hall on Tuesdays at 10am. For details, call Carly on 07881 922076.
BINGO: There is bingo at the village hall on Wednesday, November 12th, and Wednesday, November 26th, at 7.30pm; all are welcome.
NEEDLE AND THREAD GROUP: A needle and thread group takes place at the village hall on Tuesday, November 18th, from 7-9pm. Anyone with a sewing project, such as patchwork, Christmas decorations, knitting, crochet or rag rugging is welcome to go along. This new group will be taking place every fortnight. For more details, call Tricia Johnson on 01325 314735.
WI MEETING: The next meeting of Aycliffe Village WI is on Wednesday, November 19th, at the village hall at 7.30pm when Jill Swift will give a talk on Jewelicious. The challenge is for a Decorated Jewelled Biscuit. For more details, call Sue Hindle on 07775 680804.
CRAFT FAIR: Handcrafted gifts will be on sale at the Christmas craft fair to be held at the village hall on Saturday, November 22nd, from 10am to 2pm. Refreshments will be available. For a table or more information, call Sue Hindle on 07775 680804.
FILM NIGHT: There is a fun film night for families at the village hall on Saturday, November 22nd, starting at 6pm when Frozen (PG) will be shown. Fancy dress is encouraged and there will be a catwalk opportunity for participants, as well as a some party games for everyone. To be extra comfy, it is suggested that you take a cushion or a bean bag. There will be a tuck shop and pizza available. The cost is £3 per person.
Aycliffe Village News