BABY SENSORY CLASSES: For parents and carers with babies up to 13 months, there is a sensory class at the village hall on Tuesdays at 10am. For details, call Carly on 07881 922076.
BREAKFAST CLUB: Come along with your friends to the next breakfast club on Saturday, October 11th, at Aycliffe Village Hall, from 9am-noon. There will be bacon, egg or sausage buns on offer, as well as cups of tea or coffee. Plus, there will be activities for children and a book stall. All proceeds go to the village hall. And this will also be a chance to buy a ticket for Santa’s Grotto which will be in place at the December breakfast club. Tickets cost just £5 per child for the chance to meet Santa and receive a present.
COMMITTEE MEETING: There is committee meeting of Great Aycliffe Village Hall Association on Monday, October 13th, at the village hall at 8pm. New members are welcome.
FOOTBALL DRAMA: Backscratch Theatre presents its new production Hewin’ Goals, featuring drama, comedy and songs, in celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Northern League on Friday, October 17th, at Aycliffe Village Hall. Admission is free and is open to everyone. The performance starts at 7pm.
BINGO: Eyes down for bingo at Aycliffe Village Hall on Wednesday, October 15th, and on Wednesday, October 29th, at 7.30pm; all are welcome.
NEEDLE AND THREAD: A new group is starting on Tuesday, October 21st, for anyone interested in doing sewing, knitting, crochet or rag rugging. Work on your project while enjoying a coffee and a chat. The sessions are held at Aycliffe Village Hall from 7-9pm.
WI MEETING: The next meeting of Aycliffe Village WI is on Wednesday, October 22nd, at Aycliffe Village Hall at 7.30pm, and is a members’ evening. The challenge is to make a Hallowe’en decoration. For more details, call Sue Hindle on 07775-680804.
PINK FRIDAY: Enjoy a glass of fizz, some music and entertainment while indulging yourself in all things pink to help raise money for Breast Cancer Care. The event takes place at Aycliffe Village Hall from 8pm until late on Friday, October 24th. For tickets, which cost £5, contact Sue on 07775 680804.