Newton Aycliffe youngster, Daniel Heaton aged 8, has had a taste of tennis in the big time. After attending a Virgin Active Search For An Ace event in Sunderland, he was selected to attend the National Finals in Chiswick.
Just 44 players, boys and girls were selected from over 1000 youngsters who attended Regional events. The 2-hour assessment considered coordination, balance, speed, racket skills and personality
Although Daniel was not the overall winner, a judge said ‘He is very athletic and shows great potential’
David Felgate who coached Tim Henman was one of the judges.
Daniel is an enthusiastic member of Greenfield Tennis Club in Newton Aycliffe and attends weekly sessions each Saturday morning. His coach, Ian Wilkinson said, ‘What an incredible experience. Daniel works really hard at his tennis and is so enthusiastic when participating in the activities. He deserved to win the overall prize.’
Details on tennis activities for ages 4 to 14 years are available from
All abilities are welcome.
Equipment is provided and first session is free.
Aycliffe Tennis Star of the Future