124 Recovery Company, REME are opening their doors to the public on Saturday 19th October as part of its drive to raise awareness of their role, both to the local community and in support of the regular army.
124 Recovery Company are based in The Aycliffe Armoury off Northfield Way and are part of 102 Battalion REME known across the Army as “The Northern Craftsmen”. 124 Company specialises in vehicle recovery and repair of the Army’s equipment at home and operations.
Captain Kevin Yarker, the Permanent Staff Administrative Officer manages the day to day running of the Army Reserves Centre and manages the 80 officers and soldiers currently serving with the Company. He explained why the TA Centre was opening its doors.
“We hope to encourage young men and women to visit us and find out what reserve service has to offer. Our message is clear, “We are recruiting and the Reserve Army offers opportunities for vocational training, travel and adventure. We work closely with employers across the region who recognise the valuable skills that Reserve Service offers to their employees.”
Reserve Army units from across the region will also be present including 5 RRF based in Bishop Auckland who will be displaying a selection of infantry weapons and equipment. 124 Coy will open its garage doors and drill hall and visitors will be able to have ‘hands on’ of some of the most modern vehicles and equipment in service today.
“We are really proud of our Service Vehicle Recovery fleet”, Captain Yarker said, “Weighing in at 32 tonnes they are capable of recovering anything in use by the Army today, and our soldiers are trained to the same levels as their regular army counterparts.”
If you are aged between 18 and 44, physically fit and are interested in learning more about life in the Army Reserves then why not come along to the Open Day at The Aycliffe Armoury and find out more. Entry is free and the gates will open from 9 am until 4 pm.
Further details can be obtained by telephoning Captain Kevin Yarker on 01325 375001
Aycliffe T.A. REME Open Day at The Armoury