After a long lay-off from playing regular league fixtures, due to the covid pandemic Newton Aycliffe RUFC are, at last, poised to start the 2021/22 Season.

The Durham RFU have been working hard to restructure the divisions to accommodate additional teams and tried their best to keep travelling to a minimum.

Aycliffe will now play in the newly formed Durham/Northumberland Division Three South. With only 7 teams in the division 18 league fixtures have been pre-arranged. This has shortened the average weeks in a season by a country mile. However, there will be lots of spare weeks to add plenty of friendlies.

The first arranged league fixture is set for 18th Sept 2021 at home to Hartlepool TDSOB. With this in mind Aycliffe will start pre-season training from 8th July. Throughout July training will take place on Thursday evenings 7pm start and Saturday afternoons at 1pm. Please note training this Saturday, 10th July, will start 12.30pm.

Aycliffe will continue to welcome new senior male players from the age of 17, who would like to try the sport or ex-players who have recently moved into the area or fancy a change of clubs.

Sadly, we have to report the Junior Rugby Development programme has been temporarily suspended. The pandemic has taken its toll on a number of junior coaches who have since moved on to different ventures. We are continuing to speak to the local schools in order to develop a new infrastructure for kid’s rugby in the not-too-distant future.

Finally, this takes me nicely to the fore mentioned strap line above. The rugby club are actively seeking volunteer assistant coaches. Some of our senior coaches have moved on due to other commitments. This has left a bit of a void in our coaching team. We would welcome new coaches or player/coaches to assist current head coach Bob Malvern. These roles will suit ex rugby players who may have Level 1 or 2 coaching badges. It may also suit university students who are proficient at the game and are studying sports teaching qualifications. Fitness coaches will also be welcomed to volunteer their services. Dedicated forward coaches and or backs coaches will be welcomed.

At the same time if any students studying physiotherapy and have first aid qualifications who would like to attach themselves on a voluntary basis to gain experience on and off the field, please come forward and introduce yourselves.

We are also seeking a coach who would like to dedicate themselves to building a ladies team from scratch. This will be an entirely new venture for the club and with approximately 22 interested ladies, who would like to form a brand new team, this would be a great asset to the club. As well as rewarding for the ladies who could be part of one of the fastest growing sports, Senior Ladies Rugby.

If you feel you would like to contribute and be part of one of the friendliest rugby clubs in the Northeast located at Newton Aycliffe Sports Club, Moore Lane, please contact Head Coach, Bob Malvern, Mobile: 07398 167461 or e-mail: or