Newton News is compiling a register on the location of defibrillators in Newton Aycliffe. It makes sense that everyone knows where they are in the event of an emergency. The time taken in getting the equipment to a patient who needs resuscitation is crucial as the survival rate lessens with every minute that passes.
Newton News will publish the information on a regular basis and advise readers to cut out the register as a reference in emergencies.
We will also print simple to follow instructions on how to use a defibrillator which is designed to be “fool-proof”.
No one need be afraid of using the equipment as it will only work on a patient who requires treatment.
Simple to use
They are simple and safe. The machine gives clear spoken instructions. You don’t need training to use one.
Once in position, the defibrillator detects the heart’s rhythm. It won’t deliver a shock unless one is needed.
Please let us know if you have a defibrillator in Newton Aycliffe and its exact location and what procedures you have in place for its use. Ring Syd On 01325 300212 or e-mail
Aycliffe Register on location of Defibrillators