As a new school year begins, local children’s literacy charity Beanstalk has launched a ‘Back to School’ campaign to recruit 30 volunteers to provide much needed one-to-one reading support to local children.
It is estimated that this year more than 10% of children will leave primary school in the North East without reaching the required level of reading. Beanstalk is calling on the local community to help rewrite this story and support more children in reaching their true potential.
Janet Skeen, Area Manager for North East & Yorkshire said:
“Sadly, far too many children in local primary schools are struggling in school due to reading difficulties. The start of the school year is the perfect time to change this and for people to make a real, long-lasting difference to a child in their local community.”
“The Beanstalk volunteering programme allows you to have a direct impact on changing the life of a child. By sharing your passion for reading you are able to give a child the skills and confidence to succeed in life. We encourage anyone who would like to give a child the gift of reading to contact us!”
With the support of the local community Beanstalk aims to help 90 children across Tees Valley, County Durham and Tyne & Wear by recruiting 30 Beanstalk reading helpers by the end of September
Each Beanstalk reading helper supports three children and sees each child for two 30 minute sessions a week, during term-time, for three terms. With Beanstalk’s support the child’s approach to learning and enjoying reading is transformed.
Volunteering as a Beanstalk reading helper is extremely rewarding, makes a lasting difference to children’s lives and is a great way to give something back to your local community.
To find out more, or to become a Beanstalk reading helper, call Beanstalk on 01325 315040 or visit
Aycliffe Reading Charity Seeks ‘Back to School’ volunteers