We’ve had a busy few months at Aycliffe Junior Athletics with numerous competitions. Starting the outdoor season off at MSV with The Kieran Maxwell open, we had 4 juniors compete: Megan, Henry, Elizabeth and Elijah. Megan competed in some new events for her and found her love for long jump, well done Megan. Henry ran a fantastic mile on his first track debut, finishing in 2nd place with 5:47. Elizabeth doing a strange start stop technique still managed to match her PB and finish in 2nd place. Elijah, still recovering from injury, managed to pull out a PB in long jump of 1.98m.
Next up was the spring festival CDAN competition up at Chester Le Street, 13 juniors went up to compete and we saw some amazing achievements from the juniors. Well done to Will who finished 2nd, Trinity 3rd and Henry 2nd in their respective age category. The juniors represent the club well.
We then returned back to MSV for The Charles Open Stuart, where 5 of our juniors competed. Again some fantastic results from our juniors. Will, the youngest junior at the event, ran a superb 65m finishing 4th and 600m finishing 7th. Trinity continued to impress with PB’s in both the 150m finishing 4th and 600m. Megan knocked a whopping 21sec off her 800m PB and pulled another PB in her long jump. Henry continued his medal streak gaining him a silver medal in the 1500m. Elizabeth ended up the only athlete competing in 150m resulting in gold medal and achieving a PB in triple jump gaining her a silver medal.
Trinity continues to make strides at the park run 5k, a PB of 24.57 knocking a huge 2mins 30sec off her previous result. Fantastic result, well done Trinity.
We would like to say well done to all our juniors, you are achieving some amazing results. It’s a pleasure to be your coaches.
If you are interested in joining the club, please contact Claire at: arc.juniorsection@gmail.com
Aycliffe Junior Athletics