It was an exciting start to the New Year for two local girls when they received a Royal invitation from HRH The Earl of Wessex to attend St. James Palace on 13th January 2015 for their presentation of their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards.
Emma Partridge and Kara Ward had completed their Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award through Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre. This involved completing an expedition, learning a new skill, physical fitness and volunteering for a specified period of time at all stages of the award process, with an additional category for the Gold Award of completing a residential.
Emma and Kara started their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award in January 2011 and completed their Gold Award in March 2014. Finally after a long wait of 9 months they were thrilled to finally to receive their invitation to the palace.
During the presentation HRH The Earl of Wessex spoke to both girls about their experience and Emma gave a special mention to Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre. When the group were asked if they felt that they all deserved their awards Kara calmly declared ‘Yes we do!’ which brought laugher from the audience.
Presentation of individual certificates was made by John Culshaw who was the guest presenter. It was a day to remember for Emma and Kara and a proud day for their parents.
Emma and Kara would like to thank Keith, Kim, Sue and Sara and the rest of the team at Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre for their help and support, and Brenda Laight and the team from Boys’ Brigade who allowed them to complete their volunteering through all stages of their award.
The girls would strongly encourage other young people to get involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Both girls went on from completing their Duke of Edinburgh Award to take part in a World Challenge expedition and these experiences have been key in completing their personal statements for University.
Well done girls and good luck with your summer exams and university applications.
If you want to get involved with the Duke of Edinburgh award, come down to Youth Centre on a Sunday night from 6pm-8pm, or contact 01325 305722 and leave a message for Keith Rodway.
Kara Ward and Emma Partridge