Sarah (left) with other Camp Instructors

Newtonian Sarah Bainbridge is a 21 year old English Literature student in her second year at Leeds Metropolitan and a former student at Greenfield. She lives with her mother and sister and was brought up in a typical working class enviroment with little opportunities to see the world. When offered the opportunity to work at an American Summer Camp she seized the opportunity, travelling to Pennsylvannia, New York City, Washington D.C, Nashville, Atlanta, Orlando and Miami – all with the help of “Camp Leaders”.

Sarah is a keen horserider, but due to university committments no longer enjoys this pastime, however it helped her get the job at camp as an Advanced Horseback Instuctor.

She wants to finish university and teach English as a foreign language and this experience has helped her gain extensive exeperience with children of all ages, and understand different cultures.

“Summer Camp, was the most rewarding, challenging and unforgettable job I’ve ever had. I worked hard but I did it in amazing surroundings, having great fun and making new friends to last a lifetime!” said Sarah.

Sarah wants to get students in our area involved in this programme and invites them to get in touch: