The dates for the 2016 Aycliffe Festival are Saturday 16th July until Saturday 30th July inclusive. That is an increase of 5 days, making the Festival 15 days long.
The idea of the Festival is that ordinary people from local organisations, residents’ associations, or community centres, organise an event for everyone to enjoy.
It doesn’t need to be a large event, one of our very popular events last year was the display of Angels at St Clare’s Church but there were many events covering all areas including sport, music, dance, crafts and arts. Attendance ranged from many hundreds to just a handful, depending upon what the event was.
We need you to organise an event, bring your local community together, create lasting friendships and enjoy the process from the original idea to seeing the event to fruition.
We will help you with any questions or reservations you may have about organising an event, we can offer advice and funding, sometimes for the whole of the event (subject to terms and conditions).
We will advertise in the local press and social media, give you posters to display and booklets containing a list of all the events for you to distribute to your community.
The application forms have been sent to everyone who organised an event last year. If you would like to organise an event or just discuss the possibility, please get in touch with Mrs M Robinson 01325 300700 or by e-mail to or through our website
Aycliffe Festival 2016