Aycliffe Fell Walking Club enjoyed a beautiful clear day last Saturday 8th March, as 42 walkers visited sections of the coastal path from Alnmouth to Seahouses. The views across to the Farne Islands from these beaches, harbours and Dunstanburgh Castle, were amazing and the path was easy to navigate as the route follows the St Oswald’s Way throughout. Indeed, one group of six walkers opted to start from Beadnell and continue north and slightly inland after Seahouses to visit Bamburgh, admire the Castle and the delightful calm of the views across Budle Bay. They were not disappointed as they stayed on the coastpath all the way down to Seahouses. Many enjoyed the superb fish and chips (they always taste better at the seaside!) as well as the hospitality of Seahouse’s local ale houses. AFWC is a friendly club who like to help the local communities wherever we visit.
The next walk is in the Lakes with walks from Thirlmere to Keswick. The five main routes chosen range from 7-14 miles in length and offer lowland routes, as well as modest and more challenging climbs. Please look at the website aycliffefellwalkingclub.com for further details or if you are interested in joining us. Annual membership of £10 runs from January to December with each walk outing costing £15 to cover the cost of the coach. We look forward to your interest.