Two of Aycliffe’s talented Racing Cyclist Alex Evans and Ralph Hodgson were 1st and 2nd at the Croft Circuit Series Race held recently. Both are aged 15 and students at Woodham College.
The Croft Circuit Series Under 16 Race runs for a period of 15 weeks. Ralph was not present for the photograph as he is currently on holiday in France.
Alex and Ralph have done really well in their first season of racing, having trained hard over the winter months putting in many miles. Both now race regularly around the North East and show great potential.
In the photograph with Alex is James Alder (left) who is currently one of the top riders in the North East. He was pipped for 1st place by only 3 points in the Senior Race. All the riders are part of Team VC Briganti / Cycleways RT. sponored by Cycleways at Neville Parade.
The cyclists would like to thank Colin from Cycleways Sport & Leisure for all the support over the season.