Newton Aycliffe Rotary Club are grateful to John and Jennifer Manners, Directors at Aytech Fabrications on Aycliffe Business Park for their help in repairing and constructing their sleigh for Santa Claus.
The sleigh and trailer were in poor condition and Aytech offered to help, deploying two of their skilled employees, Andy Stobie (left) and Shaun Whitworth to completely refurbish this essential Christmas Santa transport which tours the town’s streets collecting for Christmas hampers for needy families.
The Rotary Club has carried this out over many years and the townspeople look forward to seeing the brightly lit sleigh, booming out Xmas Carols and songs while Santa talks to all the children.
The sleigh will be on tour Monday 9th to Thursday 12th December and also the following week: Monday 16th to Thursday 19th December. Listen for the music and Santa’s bell between 5.30pm and 7.30pm.
Geoff Batchelor, President of the Rotary Club said: “A-Tech have been marvellous in getting Santa’s sleigh ready for Christmas. The quality of their work is evident and the sleigh has been rebuilt to last for many years. We appreciate what John and Jennifer Manners have done to help us and cannot thank them enough”.
A-Tech employees who completed the work Shaun Whitworth and Andrew Stobie
Aycliffe Company Rebuild Santa’s Sleigh Ready for Tour of the Town