Monday 29th April saw the AGM of Aycliffe Community Engagement, ACE (formerly GACAP). The late Syd Howarth, MBE, was the founder of GACAP and Ron Mitchie the President Elect for GACAP paid his own tribute to Syd, who he had known for many years.
Ron referred to Syd as Mr Aycliffe, Syd, he said had a way of getting things done.
He said ACE had had a few very difficult months, but in the memory of Syd the trustees refused to let the partnership sink, he said the trustees were determined to achieve the aim of a one stop shop for people in Newton Aycliffe who were in need.
The Vice Chairman, Peter Driver, led the meeting, the Assistant Secretary gave the Chairman’s Report and the trustees report which was agreed by those present.
Treasurer, Joan Mitchie, referred to the breakdown of monies held in separate headings compiled of Capital, Discretionary and Ring Fence Funds from Awards from All, Reserves and General Funding.
Because of the balance of monies in the account it was necessary to apply for a charity status. This would be referred to by a future partners’ meeting for acceptance.
Changes to the current constitution, to allow for an annual post of President as apposed to Life Post; a further change was to allow the President to be a serving officer. Also, regarding the trustees, an alteration was to be made allowing for trustees to come from outside the partners and elected at the AGM and co-opted if relevant skills would benefit the partnership. After some discussion these items were accepted.
Nominations had been received for most of the officers’ positions and the new trustees where elected. Joan Mitchie took on the role of Chair, with Peter Driver standing down due to work commitments overseas. Mark Catmull, a new trustee, took over as Treasurer. Michael Stead and Stacy Porter were elected as Trustees and Chris Palmer and Ron Mitchie remaining as Trustees. Ron took over as Secretary from Terri Driver who will be joining her husband with his move overseas. This left a vacancy for Assistant Secretary and Vice Chairman and two places as trustees. The remaining posts would be co-opted should suitable members surface.
With the business part of the meeting over, Peter introduced Phillipa Parsons from County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Charity. The two biggest projects the charity is raising money for is the Chemotherapy Appeal to enlarge and improve our cancer treatment facilities at University Hospital of North Durham. The MRI Scanner appeal was launched to replace the two scanners, one in Bishop Auckland and the other in Darlington. Phillipa said the scanners were 18 years old, but no funding was received from central government. The appeal raised an amazing £750k with the Trust providing the balance needed to buy the scanner and build a new MRI Suite at Darlington Memorial Hospital.
The second speaker was Paul Howarth from Newton Press he gave reflections about his Dad, Syd, and the work ethics that had been instilled on him. Syd was so involved in community activities in Newton Aycliffe, at one time he sat on 18 different committees. Paul gave an interesting potted history of the Newtonian and the Newton News. He was, he said astonished at the way Aycliffe Radio had grown in such a short time. The radio now had 41 volunteers.
The meeting was closed with the presentation by Paul of a photograph of his Dad, Syd Howarth MBE, Founder and President of GACAP/ACE to the first Annually Appointed President Ron Mitchie.