The group is going really well with 21 members and have heard some fantastic guest speakers. From January 2015 we would like to issue newsletters which helps anyone interested in coming to the meetings and will carry a programme for 12 months with names of each guest speaker attending.
We are looking for a business to sponsor this project, who could benefit from the advertising. The most important thing is helping local people fight cancer and get the relevant help they need when terminally ill. Our group is not all doom and gloom and we have plenty of fun fighting this awful disease.
When people come for the first time they don’t have to say why they have come or if they have cancer. It is up to each person whether they want to talk about it and at the end of each meeting there is time for people to have a private chat.You don’t have to fight cancer alone.
Next meeting is 4th December which will be a Christmas Party with nibbles, and we have a speaker coming to talk about different therapies. STARTS AT 6pm until 7.30pm at NEVILLE PARADE COMMUNITY CENTRE
We would also like to thank Durham County Councillors for their donation to our group and Gestamp. Anyone that would like to help with any donation or want more details please ring Allison 07762 258696
Aycliffe Cancer Group