Our honeybees and other pollinators are all busy now and enjoying the sunshine. This change in the weather and the season encourage honeybees to swarm. This is a natural occurrence but one that can cause some worries to the public. We receive many calls asking us to remove swarms and we do our best to help. We are only insured to work with honeybees and not bumble bees or anything else. Bumble bees are round and furry with fuzzy bums. Honey bees are much smaller and slimmer. If you find a swarm that needs attention please contact our swarm collection coordinator Paul Grundy on 07745 746788.
Our members are volunteers when it comes to swarm collections so there will be times when we can’t assist. In that case, just leave the swarm alone and it will eventually move on.
Our association trainers, Chris and Roger, have recently trained 20 people in the basics of beekeeping. This successful introduction to beekeeping was delivered in April and will be repeated in October. Practical skills will be developed at our apiary in St Oswald’s Allotments. If you would like to know more about this training, please contact our training officer Chris at training.aycliffebka@gmail.com.
General enquiries should be directed to secretary.aycliffebka@gmail.com.
Find us on Facebook at Aycliffe Beekeepers Association or www.aycliffebees.com.
Aycliffe Beekeepers’ Association Spring Update