On Sunday 5th September 2021 Aycliffe Beekeepers will be holding an information day at the Eco Centre in Moore Lane, Newton Aycliffe. You can come and learn more about bees, beekeeping and bee products. You can also access information on our introductory beekeeping training courses available in Newton Aycliffe. There will be leaflets available, beekeepers to talk to and examples of products that can be made from wax and honey, and maybe some bees! Hive products and honey will be available for sale. The event takes place between 2pm and 4pm and will be immediately followed by a presentation by our guest speaker, Mike McInnes author and a member of the Scottish Lifesciences Association. He will be speaking about the health-giving properties of honey in his presentation ‘How Refined Sugars are Shrinking the Human Brain, and how Honey May Prevent it’. He tells us ‘Honey is an extraordinary food and fuel. It can reverse all the dreadful metabolic diseases that are destroying our cognition and health, if we reject refined sugars in foods and drinks, and replace them with honey’.
We will be asking you to wear a mask when indoors, if possible, and on entry you must sign in and gel your hands. Seats, when needed, will be socially distanced. If the weather is fine, our information will be displayed outdoors.
Please address all enquiries to our secretary Steve Jenkins, Aycliffe Beekeepers Association secretary.aycliffebka@gmail.com or telephone 07825 980692. Note you can also access further information by visiting our website www.aycliffebees.com
Aycliffe Beekeepers are Creating a ‘Buzz’