The committee members of Aycliffe Beekeepers Association would like to express their gratitude to the management of Plasmor for the donation of 24 breeze blocks. You may be asking yourself ‘what has that got to do with beekeeping?’ Well, we can use these blocks to raise the height of the hives in the association’s apiary at St Oswald’s allotments. It saves our members from ‘bad backs’ whilst working with the bees.
We have begun to perform the initial Spring checks on our colonies, supporting them to increase in size and collect pollen and nectar. The more healthy bees we have, the more honey we will be able to share. If you would like to know more about beekeeping then please contact, in the first instance, our Secretary, Steve Jenkins, call 07825 980692 or email You can also find us on FaceBook at Aycliffe Beekeepers Association and on the web at
Aycliffe Beekeepers