Every four weeks, the Aycliffe Multi-Agency Anti-Social Behaviour Group meets to discuss any anti-social behaviour on the town. The Group includes representatives from the Neighbourhood Police, PCSOs, Fire Service, Durham County Council, DCC Anti-Social Behaviour, DCC Private Sector Housing, DCC and GATC Wardens, Livin and the Town Centre.
Originally set up to coordinate a response to a spate of fire-setting in summer 2017, the different groups found that sharing information and working together was so profitable that they have kept the meeting going voluntarily, even when it was officially stood down. Meetings start with a survey of the ASB statistics for the month, and of the work done by the various agencies, but then move to sharing of intel, planning of strategies, and preparing for forthcoming events such as school holidays, the fair etc.
And it seems to be working. In the first year, ASB figures more than halved, and they have continued to fall steadily in this second year of the Group’s operation.
Information provided by members of the public is pivotal to the group’s success. If you spot any anti-social behaviour taking place, please report it on 101. Residents sometimes feel that ‘nothing happens’ when they report crimes and ASB, but every call is logged, and in that way the police are able to build up a picture so they can take action when they have sufficient evidence.
Also, residents with any comments, questions or information about crime or ASB are encouraged to attend their local PACT meeting, and to work – ‘Police And Communities Together’ – to deter crime in our town.
Aycliffe ASB Group