1407 (Newton Aycliffe) Squadron ATC recently held their annual presentation evening. The squadron continues to perform excellently, as highlighted by the number of awards and certificates gained by the cadets during 2013. With many parents in attendance, proceedings began with the enrolment of Cdts Addison, Gove and Nelson and continued with the presentation of 1st Class badges to Cdts Pears and Hastie.
1407 squadron provides cadets with the opportunity to gain nationally recognised awards and qualifications. Three bronze, three silver and one gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards were presented, along with 9 HeartStart 1st Aid and 9 ELA Workplace Hazard Awareness certificates.
For Sgt McCormack to achieve his Gold DofE Award is an incredible achievement of which he should rightfully be proud. A cheque was presented to Newton Aycliffe RAFA Wings Appeal by Cdts Addison C and Armstrong who had raised funds as part of their Silver D of E Awards.
The second half of the evening saw the awarding of the squadron’s trophies for 2013 by Sector Commander Sqn Ldr John Scott.
Best Probationer: Cdt Hastie
Scott Shield for Most Improved Cadet: Cdt Addison C.
Tom Downs Cup for Endeavour and Service: Cdt Stewart
Scott Trophy for Citizenship: Cdt Olley
Sports Trophy: Cdt Robinson
Crabbe Cup Aircraft Recognition: Sgt Lowe
Laverick Memorial Trophy for Shooting: Sgt McCormack
Sedgefield Veterans’ Trophy for Attendance: Cdt Appleton
Boddy Trophy for Best NCO: Sgt Lowe
Fryer Shield for Cadet of the Year: Cdt Armstrong
Certificates of Merit were awarded to Cdts Pears and Powell for their excellent service and to Cdts Addison C. and Stewart for their good attendance. Cdts Addison C., Armstrong and Stewart were promoted to Corporal, Cpl Butterfield was promoted to Sergeant and Sgt Lowe was promoted to Flight Sergeant.
The work of adult volunteers was also recognised, with Mr Scott receiving his Basic Expedition Leader Award. This will allow him to help deliver the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and adventure training to the cadets.
The evening was rounded off with a raffle and lots of photographs. The night was an excellent celebration of the achievements of all the members of 1407 squadron. Flt Lt Scott would like to thank all of the staff for their hard work and commitment to the squadron.
The squadron are currently recruiting new cadets and any young people aged 13-18 who are interested in joining are welcome to attend a parade night or get in touch. We have an action packed schedule, full of exciting opportunities. Details can be found on our website: www.1407aircadets.org
Aycliffe Air Cadet Awards