Sugar Hill Primary Leadership Team are always looking for different ways to promote positive attitudes towards school attendance. Last term the children across school earned a raffle ticket every week they attended school for 100%. This week special draws took place and three lucky children were chosen to receive a prize and their parents were awarded a cheque for £50.00.
In addition to this, weekly attendance is monitored for all classes across school, with the target being 96% attendance or above. This information is shared with parents in weekly newsletters. At the end of last term three classes with the best attendance (Class 6, Class 10 and Class 13) enjoyed a special treat in school – a silent disco! The children danced along to three different playlists whilst the staff enjoyed the peace and quiet! It has to be said that the staff were keen to have a go and, with headphones in place, they managed to demonstrate their dance moves too! It’s the first time the children have experienced a silent disco at school and we are confident it won’t be the last!
There will be rewards at the end of Spring Term and Summer Term and we can’t wait to see who our lucky individual and class winners will be.
Attendance Rewards