• West Ward antisocial behaviour
down by 60%.
• Town Centre antisocial behaviour
down by 17%.
• Anti-social behaviour in every Newton
Aycliffe ward – down.
• One known teenager in court and fitted
with an electronic tag this week after
breaching his Criminal Behaviour Order
(CBO) and trial date set after public
order charges.
• Another two known teenagers with
CBOs and all three banned from
associating with each other.
• Three more moveable CCTV cameras
applied for.
• Patrols continuing – as always.
The latest figures from December 2020 to December 2021 show anti-social behaviour in Newton Aycliffe has reduced in every ward across the town and our long-standing neighbourhood officers and response officers will always work hard to combat criminals.
Neighbourhood inspector, Sarah Honeyman, and her team, including some officers who have worked in the town for more than 15 years continue to work with residents and partners on the issue.
“Anti-social behaviour is down across every ward in the town and an issue that gets our full attention thanks to the low level of ‘traditional’ crimes,” Inspector Honeyman said. “Most residents know the team and we work closely with young people, partners and businesses to problem solve issues.”
She added: “Recent work in the West Ward has shown the effectiveness of CCTV and we are currently in the process of securing funding from our county councillors to introduce three more CCTV cameras which can be moved to any areas to help identify suspects.
“Added to that, my officers make a point of getting to know our repeat offenders and three teenagers we believe are responsible for most antisocial behaviour incidents at present have been back before the courts as recently as this morning. One now has an electronic tag and a curfew.”
Insp Honeyman added: “We understand anti-social behaviour is a controversial topic but I would like to stress that we have done and will continue to do everything we can to make sure that Newton Aycliffe is a safe place to live and work.”
The teenager who appeared in court this morning is next expected to attend to stand trial for public order offences on June 10.
Newton Aycliffe Police Station, opposite the magistrates’ court, has a reception which is open to the public weekdays from 10am to 5pm.
Response officers are also based at the station, with the neighbourhood team covering the town 24/7.
Inspector Honeyman, along with long-standing PCs Bram Booth and Mike Welch, can be contacted regarding ongoing enquiries at Newton Aycliffe Police Station by emailing sarah.honeyman@durham.police.uk Bramwell.booth@durham.police.uk or Michael.welch@durham.police.uk
To report a crime call 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Always call 999 in an emergency.
ASB Reduced in Newton Aycliffe