Store manager Martin Butcher with Amy Corking and school friends Page, Ellie and Headteacher Linda Cummings

An Aycliffe girl has won a £250 donation for Sugar Hill Primary School in a poster design competition organised by the Tesco Extra in Newton Aycliffe.

Schoolchildren were invited to design posters showing what they loved most about Newton Aycliffe. Ten year old Amy Corking won the competition with her colourful creation and visit ed the store to receive her prize and bag for life.

Head teacher Mrs Cumming said: “We are delighted to have such a talented pupil at the school and can’t wait to see the hessian bags with Amy’s design. We would like to thank Tesco for this generous donation and we will use the money towards buying arts and crafts for Christmas decorations.”

In addition to the £250 donation for her school, Amy will receive a £50 Tesco gift card to spend on whatever she likes! Her design will also be printed onto hessian Bags for Life which will be distributed in store as part of a bag giveaway.

Store Manager Martin Butcher said: “My team and I are very pleased to have Amy’s designs on the hessian bags at the store. “

Customers visiting the store on Friday 16th November will receive a hessian bag for life with Amy’s winning design when they visit the store.