On Friday the 5th May, Around Town presented the first of its biannual community awards. To launch the award it was decided to nominate two worthy recipients. The first was a young man who was nominated by 5 Acres. He is an inspiration to all those who know him, for who he is and what he does. That young man is Joseph Carrick, and if anyone is interested in who Joseph is, and the fabulous work they do at 5 Acres Community Garden, can I suggest you take the time to call in, but be prepared to be impressed.
The second award was presented to a community group nominated by Andy and myself. The group didn’t need an introduction, because it’s so well known, but we felt it necessary to acknowledge the work they do in the community. Before finalising our decision we asked three simple questions to set the criteria. Do this group do good work in the community, do they help a lot of people, and are they well thought of by the community as a whole? The answer to all three questions was a resounding yes, and that’s why Community Spirit were chosen to receive the Aycliffe Radio Around Town community award.
Apprentice Wins Around Town Community Award