This year, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. You can apply to close a road, free of charge, for up to one day between the 2nd to 5th June 2022 to hold a street party to celebrate this occasion.
Event Requirements
Your Platinum Jubilee Street Party must:
• be organised for residents, neighbours and their guests only;
• be on a residential road (for example a cul-de-sac or where traffic is not able to access another road from the event road) where only residents traffic will be affected;
• ensure access is still possible by emergency service vehicles during the closure;
• ensure disabled drivers can still access disabled parking bays during the closure;
• provide the council and Durham Constabulary of the event’s organisers contact details who will be contactable before and be present during the day of the event; and
• end by 10pm on the day it is held.
Must not:
• be publicised or advertised to the wider public;
• be on a road which needs to be used to access shops, businesses or premises accessed by the public;
• be on a road which provides access to a public car park (other than a residents’ only car park for the street being closed);
• involve any commercial activity within the road closure area;
• be on a bus route;
• charge for entry to the event;
• damage the road, footway and verge;
• involve the selling of alcohol; and
• disrupt local residents with music or other noise beyond 10pm.
The organiser(s) must:
• consult with those residents who will be affected by the road closure to confirm they have no objections to the street being closed;
• make sure all rubbish is cleared up at the end of the party;
• make sure that traffic signs are clearly visible to all road users approaching the road closure;
• indemnify the council against all third-party claims arising from the road closure and the use of the highway for the street party.
The Council recognises that some communities may wish to hang bunting in the streets to bring colour to the celebrations. The Council will welcome requests from communities who wish to include bunting as part of their celebration planning.
The bunting must:
• be lightweight;
• not be attached using any form of catenary wire;
• not be hung over the carriageway;
• have a minimum headroom clearance of 2.5m over the footpath;
• be removed immediately after the event.
If you wish to attach lightweight bunting or flags to street lights please contact the council’s street lighting team by no later than the 30th April 2022.
Road Closure Information
The road closure will be valid for up to one day only and will be effective when the traffic signs are in place. As part of your application, the council will supply a ‘Road Closed’ sign for closures (subject to availability). Details will be emailed to you on approval and will be by prior appointment.
Alternatively you can hire the signs from a local company, below is a list of the approved local traffic management contractors:
• Barrier Traffic Management
• Beacon Traffic Management Ltd
• Hatton Traffic Management Ltd
• Premier Traffic Management
• Roadsafe Corporate Group Limited
• Total Resources UK Ltd
Application fees are waived for resident’s Queen Jubilee Street Party closure orders.
The organiser(s) MUST, as a condition of approving the road closure, indemnify the council against all third-party claims arising from the road closure and use of the street for the party.
You can find further information, risk assessments and insurance information on The Street Party Site.
The council may not be able to support road closure application, for example, the reasons set out above which are for indicative purposes only. Each application will be considered on its own individual merits.
How to Apply
Apply to close a road for a street party
The closing date for applications is 30th April 2022. Applications received after this date cannot be accepted due to insufficient time to process the legal closure notice.
Find out more about the celebrations on the Platinum Jubilee website.
Highway Network Management Section
Strategic Highways
Technical Services
Neighbourhoods and Climate Change
Applying for a Street Party Road Closure