Dear Sir,
As Chairman of the Friends of West Park group set up to improve and beautify this most lovely of our parks using voluntary workers and external sources of funding. I was dismayed and annoyed to receive the letter from our Town Clerk demanding that the group stop work on cleansing the lakes.
Many man hours of hard smelly work were put in by VOLUNTEERS to carry out this work and the thought that it was to be returned to its previous sorry state was upsetting not only to myself, members of the Friends group but also to members of the public who have turned out to support the aims of the group.
As a result of that anger I wrote a letter to the Newton News for inclusion in last week’s issue during which I used the word “Fascist” to describe those people on our council who are predominantly interested in environmental issues and are determined to have nature ponds all over our Town.
Although no one has mentioned it to me personally it would appear that others have complained about the use of the word. I, therefore, apologise for using that word to those who are upset and would like to perhaps substitute it with over-enthusiastic or fanatical which, in retrospect is a better description.
The BOATING LAKES are, only a part of the work that the Friends wish to pursue in the park. From litter picking, providing play equipment and sourcing funding for trees and shrubs is also the intention of the friends to make the park a centre for recreation in our town.
Therefore, I cannot apologise for the fact I love my town, and would be prepared to stand down as leader of the Friends group should members feel that my comments have brought the group into disrepute.
Ken Robson Chair of Friends of West Park tel 01325 321471
Apology from Chairman of Friends of West Park