Households in County Durham are being asked to check if the voter information for their home is correct.

Elections will be taking place in May next year, therefore it is important that residents make sure they are able to take part.

As part of Durham County Council’s annual canvass, households will soon receive a pack asking them to check the information currently held on the electoral register.

Although the majority of households will not have to take action this year if their details are correct, it is important that everyone follows the instructions in the pack that will be arriving in the post over the next week.

David Collingwood, Durham County Council’s electoral services manager, said: “It is important that residents keep an eye out for messages so that we can make sure we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in County Durham. Elections are taking place next year and for everyone to have their say, the electoral register must be accurate.

People who have moved recently are particularly encouraged to look out for the voter registration messages and check the details. It’s estimated that 36 per cent of people who have lived at an address for less than one year will be registered.

If you have recently moved or your details are not included on the form, you can go online to register at

For more information, call 03000 261 212 or email