When Glenys Thompson joined the Rotary Club of Newton Aycliffe this week, she became the third lady member with the same surname. Already in membership were former District Governor and past club president Jean Thompson and meeting meals co-ordinator Jill Thompson. But the three are not related in any way . . . Glenys was formally inducted into the club with the classification ‘railway engineering’ by President Nora Scott after Rtn Margaret Ord had read out the objects of the Rotary movement. In line with tradition, Glenys was then formally introduced to club members. President Nora (centre) is pictured presenting Glenys (left) with her Rotary pin, watched by Margaret. The lively, mixed gender club meets on Tuesday evenings at Redworth Hall Hotel and welcomes expressions of interest in membership from local men and women committed to the ideal of service to others and the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace.
And Then There Were Three . . .