Ken Robson moved to Newton Aycliffe in 1964 and for the last 35 years has resided in the West Ward. He is a regular attender as a member of the public at Town Council meetings, so if elected, is up to date on the Council’s procedures, policies and activities, something few other candidates for election ever bother doing. He is probably one of the best quality non-Labour candidates to stand in many years. Ken’s address to the electors of the ward reads as follows:
“As Chairman of the ACORN Residents’ Association, I have worked on their behalf to provide family events in our community, to unite and draw together our community, mainly in the central area of Newton Aycliffe. I am also Chair of the West Ward Pact meetings liaising with the police on your behalf to combat crime and anti-social behaviour.
From fighting as Vice Chairman of the Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association for the return of our Police Station into our town centre, making it accessible to all of the residents of Newton, to addressing the County Council on the dangers of removing street lights from our roads. I also resisted the County Council’s decision not to collect bins from homes and fought to save our fireworks display from extinction.
In the West Park I have worked as Chairman of the Friends of West Park group to keep our boating lakes clean and to improve the facilities for the use of Newton Aycliffe and visitors to this lovely park. The vast majority of Councillors are behind us and much progress is now underway.
The County Council was taken by surprise when it was reported the bridges over the Burn were falling into disrepair and found they were their responsibility. The response of our County Council was initially to permanently close a thoroughfare to save them having to repair one of the bridges.
I support many of the policies of the Labour controlled GATC, however, if I disagree then I reserve the right to oppose those decisions, where I believe they may be detrimental to the people of Great Aycliffe.
I expect the Labour Party to oppose my candidacy for the seat vacated by Tom Twissell whom when elected only attended council meetings once every six months in order to collect his councillor’s allowance. This was not only condoned but actively encouraged by some of his colleagues who took the view that it was better to have an empty seat rather than risk losing the seat to someone of different political persuasion. This in effect deprived the voters of the West Ward of an active Town Councillor.
The Labour controlled Great Aycliffe Town Council has a massive Labour majority, which can result in little public debate over policy decisions, whcih is developed mainly in Labour Party closed groups and brought as a block vote to the council chamber. You can help to bring some balance to the debate in the council chamber by voting to elect me as an independent voice on behalf of the people of West Ward as opposed to a bland Labour candidate with collective views.
I have the experience, proven ability, I beleive I am trustworthy and will work hard for the Ward and the whole town.
35 Priestman Road
01325 321471
If anyone would like me to call and visit just let me know, it will be difficult to knock on over 3000 homes in just a few weeks, so I apologise if I don’t make it to your door.
“Merry Christmas to all Newtonians”
An Independent Voice for Aycliffe