Dear Sir,
My 6yr old daughter Alysia-Sky had been learning about Remembrance Day at school and would come home every night and talk about why poppies are red and how she knew that many soldiers both past and present had died protecting our country.
Alysia also talked about the “special parade” they hold to remember the fallen heroes. So I took Alysia to her first Remembrance Day Parade. She wore her poppy with pride and carried her little wooden cross we had personalised in their memory which she planted at the end of the parade.
Alysia was overwhelmed with the whole event and saw heroes wearing medals with pride. Alysia’s uncle served in Afghanistan this year and it was very hard knowing a loved one was over there doing good. But as Alysia says, we were one of the lucky ones, he came home safe and received his medal.
It’s such a shame that more youngsters were not present at the parade. These brave men and women gave the greatest sacrifice to protect and serve our country and there are many loved ones still there now risking their lives on a daily basis.
Its hard to explain to a 6yr old why more people care about seeing a singer and lights being switched on than paying their respects at the Parade.
Emma Russell
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