A charity event will be held on Friday 10th May 2024 at the Big Club, Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe DL5 5NU, Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Tickets available from many places, including online, in advance for £4.00 or on the door (if any left) for £5.00.
We wish to thank Newton Press and Newton News for their help. Also, a thank you to the acts that, we are sure, will make it a night to remember with a few nice surprises during the evening including dancing, music and laughter.
Food will be on sale, a game of bingo (bring a pen) and a raffle – the evening will be rounded off by Powerplay Entertainment.
A final thank you to those, listed below, who are helping us to sell tickets.
Tickets available from:
The Big Club, Sheraton Road.
Jorjas Attic, Town Centre
St. Clare’s Church from Miriam or Noel
Fresh Sandwich Shop, Neville Parade
Sun Inn/Sew Inn, Simpaturegate
Digital Vapers, Thames Centre
AllSorts Charity Shop, next to St Clare’s Church on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings from 10.00am to 1.00pm or online: theticketsellers.co.uk/buy-tickets/an-evening-of-entertainment/10057930
An Evening of Entertainment