On Sunday 26th September, St. Michael’s Church, Heighington will be holding a musical evening with a difference where everyone is invited to sing along in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. A group of local musicians, featuring guitars, keyboard, and drums, have volunteered their time to accompany the singing with the theme varying from gentle rock to country to ballads and even the occasional traditional favourites with a modern twist. The service will be led by the Vicar of St. Michael’s, Rev. Lissa Scott and, although informal, will still retain the dignity and joy of singing Christian songs together in a more modern style.
The evening will begin at 5pm with a glass of wine, or cup of tea/coffee with snack food including home baking – what’s not to like? Donations accepted but not obligatory. The bell ringers will be present to ring us in (as photo) and to talk about their craft before the service or if you would be interested in learning more beforehand, please email Bell Captain, Anthea Enzor, on heighingtonbells@gmail.com
To support us with our singing, some of the church choir will also be attending the evening of music and, if you are keen to become a member, please message via our Facebook page. Both groups are always scouting for new recruits. If singing is not your thing, why not come along to the evening of music anyway and watch, listen, mingle with friends, inspect our newly installed kitchen facilities and café space, or simply admire the beautiful stained-glass windows and the amazing architecture of the church interior. You will be very pleased you did and be made most welcome.
Website www.stmichaelsheighington.xara.hosting – or Facebook search for St. Michael’s Heighington.
An Evening at St. Michael’s