Dear Editor,
I refer to the letter in the Newton News last week “Why use Schools for Polling?” This comes up at every election time everywhere and I have been involved at elections for over 40 years at some place in the Country.
In my case I voted by post which is secure and does not involve closing any school. The Youth & Community Centre is being used along with the Scouts Centre, Woodham Community Centre and the Agnew Centre. I understand that Vane Road, although is open for voting is not closed for pupils.
To change this problem completely is to ask government several questions Why Thursday – because it is historical? Why not use a weekend and other venues like supermarkets then also get more people onto a postal system
I don’t think there is much chance of getting it changed unless there is the will to change by Councils and Government. Not all schools are closed, but you need the co-operation of everybody who seeks to vote.
It works in other European Countries so why not here? It is now academic, but will come back in two years 2017 when it will be all out Council Elections.
Vince Crosby
Alternatives to Closing Schools for Elections