Alopecia Support County Durham are a growing group for ladies aged 16 years and over who have been diagnosed with Alopecia. The meetings are held at Pioneering Care Centre and offer support, advice and tips based on the members own experiences. We also provide activities and to help members feel good and rebuild their confidence. The group would like to thank Amanda Christer, www. amandachristerwellbeing. for providing communal auricular (ear) acupuncture at our August meeting, which helped everyone to relax and de-stress for an hour, then float home in a happy mood! Our Treasurer, Angie Cooke, recently completed the Great North Run to raise money for the group and we would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who sponsored her. Thank you to Newton Press for their support by printing her running top free of charge! We raised £280 and this will enable the group to continue to provide free support to members for another year. Our meetings are held bi-monthly and the next meeting is on Wednesday 21st December 7-9pm as this meeting is a celebration member’s family are also invited as they also provide vital emotional support. If you would like to us contact for more information please call 07933 030 290 or email alopeciafriendscodurham@ @ alopeciafriends and alopeciasupportco.durham
Alopecia Support Group