All she wanted to do, was to walk home.
All women want, is not to be harassed and discriminated against.
All transgender women and men want to do is live their lives authentically.
All same sex couples want, is to love each other.
All people of colour want, is to be treated equally.
All young people want, is a planet that will sustain them.
All children want, is food in their bellies.
All immigrants want, is to have a safe place to build a life for their families.
All homeless people want, is a home.
All workers want, is a fair wage for their work.
All anyone wants, is a just, caring and equal society to live in.
These are not impossible dreams; these are simply political choices. None of the above is a threat to our country, culture or incomes, although there are those who would have you believe it.
All ‘lefties’ want, is a chance to make those choices and build that society where EVERYONE will benefit.
I have been accused of being a ‘lefty’, ‘Corbynist’ etc. by an individual in this paper many times. Well, I say to him, yes, I am. I believe in the principles of democratic socialism, in a vision of a fair and just society that creates the conditions where everyone can achieve their full potential, and all are cared for. Where we can stop blaming the powerless for our own lack of power, replace hate with hope and create a better world.
I wear my ‘lefty’ credentials with pride, so call me ‘lefty’ and other such things if you will, it’s something I am proud of being, if we can dream it, making it happen is simply a choice, one we can all make together.
Cllr Kathy Beetham.