The more obvious a disability the easier it is for people to come to terms with it, and hopefully learn to deal with it. A physical disability is never one dimensional and the way it manifests itself can distract our attention from the less obvious but often debilitating mental and emotional challenges that go with it. A disability that goes unnoticed can be no less life changing with its less obvious effects on the person’s quality of life. Self image; the way we see ourselves is so important to us, and when the self image is damaged, or less than perfect, self esteem, self worth and self respect are some of the first things to suffer along with our quality of life.
The person with the disability becomes the focal point, it’s their pain and struggle, but we sometimes forget it’s not just their life. Those who love them have to find their own way of dealing with these traumatic challenges, sometimes alone and in silence and that’s where the support group All Disabilities Matter are able to make a difference in so many people’s lives.
Real problems require real solutions when kind words and a sympathetic ear aren’t enough. Support, encouragement and guidance is a wonderful thing, but sometimes you need people with real life experience, knowledge and understanding and a desire to get things done, and this is where All Disabilities Matter comes into its own with their can do solution based mindset.
The group have their regular weekly coffee morning at Cafe HQ on a Tuesday from 11.00 to 12.00 noon and Google will direct you to their All Disabilities Matter link. The strength of this group is grounded in their hands on real life experience, knowing first hand the challenges faced on a daily basis, and the desire to make a positive difference in as many lives as they can. All Disabilities Matter is who they are, and it’s what they do.
All Disabilities Matter