As we reach the final few days of the General Election campaign, I want to thank all the Newtonians who’ve taken the time to chat and share their ideas with me. Since becoming Labour’s candidate for our area, 18 months ago, I’ve talked to thousands of residents on the doorstep, visited schools, met community organisations and sat down with local businesses. I’m grateful to everyone who’s made time to talk.
What I’ve heard, time and time again, is that it’s time for a fresh start. Time for a government that grows our economy, gets the NHS back on it’s feet, puts police officers back on our streets, gets bills down with cheaper green energy and gives every kid the best start in life. That’s what we’ve promised a Labour government would focus on and, if elected, I’d fight hard to make sure our area benefits from these commitments.
My top priority is pushing for more world-class jobs for our town and the wider constituency. I’ve been proud to fight hard to secure the future of Hitachi Rail, which employs 700 local residents in Aycliffe Business Park. Hitachi have been messed around by the government for three years, so I was delighted when Keir Starmer joined me at the plant and committed to help safeguard the factory if Labour forms the next government. That’s the sort of hands-on leadership we need. If elected, I’ll work hard with local and national employers to encourage more investment, additional jobs and a greater range of apprenticeships and opportunities.
At the end of the day, we need a Member of Parliament who cares about our area and is prepared to stand up for us. I’m Aycliffe born and bred – I grew up in Aycliffe, my Mam trained at Aycliffe Hospital, my Grannies worked at Flymo and the Southerne Club, my aunts and uncles have worked across the town at Perstorp and other businesses. I care about Aycliffe, but I’ve also worked across the country, so can bring wider skills and experience to the role. This town matters to me and my family – Aycliffe’s my home. If you elect me on 4th July, I promise to work hard for us, fight for our area and give us the powerful voice we deserve in Westminster.
Alan Strickland Labour Candidate