On Sunday 8th September, air cadets from across County Durham attended a service in Durham Cathedral to mark the 84th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
1407 Squadron (Newton Aycliffe) ATC attended to remember those who served our nation at a time of great peril. Two cadets from the squadron also provided readings during the service.
The service was attended by the Lord Lieutenant of County Durham, The High Sheriff and the Chair of Durham County Council when wreathes were laid at the RAF memorial at the west end of the Cathedral and the 607 Squadron memorial in the South Transept.
After the service, the cadets paraded on Palace Green and marched past the V.I.P. guests.
1407 Squadron are holding a recruitment evening for those interested in joining. This will take place on Thursday 19th September from 7.00pm at Squadron HQ on Greenwell Road, Newton Aycliffe.
Young people over the age of twelve and in Year 8 are eligible to join. Further details are available on the squadron’s Facebook page or general information about air cadets on the website:
Air Cadets Attend Battle of Britain Commemoration Service