This week brings to an end an extremely active sporting half-term at Stephenson Way, which has seen a high proportion of pupils either undertaking extra sports coaching or competing in sporting events.
Year 4 visited Greenfield to enjoy an afternoon of football and handball. The children welcomed the opportunity to play football with pupils from other local schools and quickly grasped the basics of, the less familiar, handball. Greenfield also played host to our Year 6 children for a multi-sports event, which gave the children an opportunity to enjoy football, table-tennis, basketball and tennis.
After enjoying great success over the previous school year, the school football programme has been expanded to afford more opportunities for more children to play competitively. Stephenson Way has entered two teams in Sedgefield School Sports Partnership leagues and, for the first time ever, is competing in the Spennymoor and Ferryhill District School’s FA league; winning their first game with an impressive 6-1 scoreline.
An extensive sports programme also runs in school, with experienced staff and outsourced coaches offering many different opportunities. Four classes have enjoyed afternoon dance sessions and Year 5 are currently involved in the FISCH (Family Initiative Supporting Children’s Health) programme which combines physical activity with educating children about healthy eating and living.
A new netball initiative has proved so popular that two teams have been formed. The teams have received extensive coaching to prepare for competition in the upcoming Sedgefield SSP netball league. Children and staff have been working hard at both the after-school netball club and during timetabled practice sessions to ensure they are prepared. Everyone at Stephenson Way wishes them well as they play their first league matches this week
Most importantly, all the events attended have seen the children behave superbly and display excellent sportsmanship to all teammates, opponents and staff.