ACORN Community Association took a coach to York on Saturday with a little bit of trepidation due to weather reports forecasting showers. The rain proved to be horrendous on the way down and we were expecting a dismal day.
Fortunately, on arrival, the sun appeared and we were instantly cheered up. Of course, first port of call was to a café for a cup of tea, and it just happened to be adjacent to the Minster which gleamed in the mid-morning sunshine obviously a good omen for the day. Heading into town we came across a green cow statue, majestic in a garden, on our way through cobbled streets to the Shambles market area in ancient York surrounded by buildings which certainly would not pass current planning laws, but look lovely. Pleasant to wander through the Shambles market stalls selling everything from flowers to handbags.
Onward we strolled, marvelling at the array of shops, impressive in their variety, on the way to our lunchtime venue, Wetherspoons, for a spot of lunch before sampling the delights of Primark and Marks and Spencer. Passing Jorvik we noticed long queues and were pleased to reminisce on previous visits.
Of course, York is a popular destination for foreign students and tourists alike and it was a great opportunity to mingle and chat to Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Germans and visitors from around Britain, although it did amuse me when in a souvenir shop I witnessed a Chinese family making purchases of souvenirs which were obviously made in China.
One of the advantages of visiting a tourist city is that there are never a shortage of cafes, pubs and eating houses and the beauty of a coach trip is that you can rest a while and take in your surroundings such as Morris dancers energetically doing their best to entertain in the plazas around the Minster. Altogether, another triumphant coach trip with happy passengers, tired but ready for the next Acorn adventure, many thanks to our organisers for making these trips possible.
Our next adventure is much closer to home with the great ACORN Community Association Petting Zoo, held in our very own town centre, which is a free treat for all ages on Saturday 13th July 10am to 2pm. We have three petting zoos, a variety of stalls and animal charities.
For further details, contact Ken on 07443 046804.