Acorn residents and friends have planted 2000 tete a tete bulbs along parts of Silkin Way to brighten up spring. The popular community Association applied to Neighbourhood services civic pride team and were delighted to be awarded the bulbs.
Acorn have for many years been growing shrubs and flowers for the pleasure which it brings to the community. It is amazing how much pleasure a few flowers can bring to a community after a long dark winter, and we have been pleasantly surprised by the lovely comments that have previously been heard from our earlier efforts.
Volunteers came from across Newton Aycliffe and beyond to help with the work making a tedious task enjoyable including retired Great Aycliffe town Council worker Andy Hill who took time off from his election campaign to share his expertise. Local lads Paul Thompson and John Hannah also came along to join myself and my lovely wife Elaine.
Brian Rendell took time off from his busy litter picking schedule to lend a hand too and it was fantastic to see local resident Steve Wilde.
Special thanks to those members of the Civic pride team who also came down to help out and to Bishop Auckland resident Tanya Tucker who having read my call for volunteers on facebook came along with her daughter to help.
ACORN Volunteers Plant Bulbs in Silkin Way