Making an event better than the previous one has become a trademark for popular Residents Association ACORN and this week’s Teddy Bear’s Picnic was certainly no exception.
Children appear from every entrance when local Pied Piper of Fun Professor Nincompoop is leading the show for ACORNS most popular annual summer event. Dancing, magic, balloons, teddy bears and laughter are the order of the day while entertainer Gary supported by Harry Potty maestro of face painting descend onto our local green with hilarious results.
This year’s Teddy Bear’s Picnic was bigger, brasher and more fun than ever before with 4 inflatables 2 roundabouts. A visit from PCSO Chris representing our local beat team who locked up naughty and curious children in his Police Van. An exhibition by cheerleading group Nemesis who held an assorted audience spellbound as they demonstrated their flexibility, poise and balance whilst performing a myriad of manoeuvres to a delighted crowd, thanks ladies for a great afternoon’s entertainment.
Once again ACORN Residents were astounded by the generosity of people who supplied items for the popular tombola and got involved in stewarding the event, painting nails and running Hook a Duck.
Popular local Dentist Burgess and Hyder, ever concerned with preventing dental problems for children, kindly donated a molar protection pack including a toothbrush and toothpaste kit for every child.
The atmosphere at ACORN events is always fantastic because the emphasis is on making people of all ages happy without charging for everything. Thanks to all who attended for your support!
Ken Robson Chair
ACORN Teddy Bears Picnic