As spring flowers are emerging through the ground bringing brilliant colours to regenerate and cheer us up, ACORN are surging ahead with plans for 2019. Our first excursion has been announced as a visit to the Newcastle Discovery Museum on Sunday 10th March leaving the Phoenix Club at 9am. Of course, this is a perfect opportunity to visit other attractions in the city too and the coach will not be returning until 4pm giving travellers a chance to shop, etc. PETTING ZOO Plans for this highly popular annual activity, to be held at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre on 27th April are well underway with Mobile Petting Zoos, Facepainting, Balloon Modelling, Bouncy Castle, Craft Stall, Tombola and even a performance by our local Ukulele group. So far many of our local and national community groups have come forward to request tables to promote and raise funding for worthwhile projects. ACORN welcome any groups who wish to take part in making this a fantastic event for the whole of Aycliffe and beyond. There is no charge for tables, but we would welcome a £1 donation per person. WHITBY GOTH WEEKEND ACORN are planning a visit to the popular Whitby Goth Festival on Sunday 14th April leaving the Phoenix Club at 9am. BIG LOTTERY FUND ACORN is funded and supported by the Big Lottery Fund to whom we are eternally grateful. Please contact Ken Robson for details on 01325 321471 for details or to book.
ACORN Spring Into 2019 Action